Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's in Your Shampoo?

What's that? No, you say? Can't say I'm surprised. I dare you to turn that bottle over and list two ingredients you can actually define! Well, I can almost guarantee that you will find Sodium Laureth Sulfates (SLS) listed as one of the many ingredients in your shampoo, facewash, toothpaste, and laundry detergent. Um, say what? Yes, you read that right. SLS are used in detergents! Now why would you want to put something like that on your face?? You don't, contrary to what all the beauty product companies would like you to believe. Sodium Laureth Sulfates are added to facewashes, shampoos, and toothpaste to give the products a foaming consistency, and you can usually attribute that "squeaky clean feeling" to this chemical. These companies would also lead you to believe that products with SLS will leave you with beautiful skin and healthy hair, when in reality SLS can actually cause damage, and is only used in their products because the chemical is so cheap. Those bastards! It can be tricky trying to find products that are SLS-free, but, here is where I step in, to lead the path to products that are not only SLS-free but are tried and true, by yours truly, Miss Beautyful.

The shampoo I currently use, I learned of while watching The View one morning. I know, I know, but I was unemployed and there is nothing else to watch at 10:00am on a weekday, sheesh! Know Hair & Body has a shampoo, conditioner, and body wash that are SLS-free as well as low toxicity. I use the shampoo everyday and I love it. My next purchase will include the conditioner and the body wash since I really don't think you can go wrong with these products. You can find them at

If you would like to research other low-toxicity products, check out You can research almost any product you use, so if you are wondering the toxicity level your shampoo or body wash, this is a great resource!


  1. Another great resource to check your stuff is . You can enter hair/ make up products, food, cleaning products, everything. And it gives you alternatives to that bad stuff you currently use as well.

  2. Nice! I will check that one out as well. Thanks!
